CTU enables students to study abroad within Europe through the Erasmus+ programme and provides access to additional exchanges through its agreements with 70+ universities worldwide.
Experiences abroad include
- Europe-wide Erasmus+ programme (see Study Abroad)
- Bilateral exchange outside the EU
- Double degree programmes and other international academic cooperation
- Scholarship programmes sponsored by organizations and governments in the EU and around the world
Programme Erasmus+
- You can go on an Erasmus exchange programme either for one semester or for the whole academic year. The maximum in a given study stage (BSc. , MSc.) is 12 months.
- It is possible to apply for Erasmus in a competition held at least twice a year. The first round of the selection procedure for a trip in the winter and summer semester takes place in the autumn of the previous academic year.
- It is necessary to fill in the application in the CTU Mobility system and sign up for a language test unless you have a certificate: https://mobility.cvut.cz/menu.php
- Students in the bachelor’s study programme can go on a study programme abroad only after finishing the first year of their study.
International bilateral agreements
- Within the framework of non-European bilateral agreements which have been signed by CTU with partner universities, you can choose a study stay in about 16 destinations outside Europe. You can study abroad for 1 or 2 semesters as part of any study stage.
- The first round of the selection procedure for a trip in the winter and summer semester takes place in the autumn of the previous academic year.
- List of universities for non-European bilateral agreements (see the MS Excel appendix)
- Students in the bachelor’s study programme can go on a study programme abroad only from the second year of their study.
MIAS partner universities